Saiyan Growth Store

Saiyan Growth Store

Digital products to help you break into and thrive in tech.

6 Month Roadmap for developers: From zero to your first job!


This roadmap took Miraya from zero to a job in less than 6 months.

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A guide with strategies to get and attract $100k+ developer jobs


These are the strategies Tiger used to land two $100k+ offers with just 18 months of work experience.

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Birthday Cake with Confetti


🎂 Birthday Cake with Confetti This project showcases a dynamic birthday cake animation with confetti effects, built using modern web technologies. 🔧 It's Built with: CSSReactTypeScript 📦 Key Features: Comprehensive Animation: Features a birthday cake with a candle and continuous falling confetti.Fully Responsive: Optimized for seamless display across all device types.Detailed README: Provides easy-to-follow instructions and insights for setup and customization. 🎯 How to Start: Download the ZIP file.Extract and open the folder in Visual Studio Code (or your preferred editor).Run "npm install" to install dependencies.Start the development server with "npm run dev"

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Book: Anyone can learn to code fast


This book contains two parts: Miraya's success story as a developer Top tips to succeed in your job hunt and crush your interviews.

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Creative Portfolio


🚀 Developer Portfolio This portfolio showcases a developer's work, featuring various sections. It's Built with: CSSReactTypeScriptReact IconsFramer Motion 🔑 Key Features: Full Sections: Includes pages for Home, About, Projects, Socials, and Contact. Works Everywhere: Looks great on all devices. Easy to Understand: The code has helpful comments to make it easy to update and maintain. Detailed README: The README file contains comprehensive instructions and more information, guiding you through setup, customization, and usage.

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CSS for Beginners: Start Your Journey to  Becoming a CSS Unicorn


CSS for Beginners - Start Your Journey to  Becoming a CSS Unicorn 🦄 Are you ready to transform your web pages with stunning designs? "CSS for Beginners" is here to guide you through the exciting world of CSS. Perfect for newcomers, this book offers clear explanations, practical examples, and fun illustrations to make learning CSS a breeze. 📘✨ Inside This Book: Introduction to CSS: Learn what CSS is and how it enhances your web development.Getting Started: Explore different ways to include CSS in your HTML.Selectors and Units: Discover how to target elements and understand CSS units for flexible designs.Text and Box Model Styling: Style your text and understand the box model for precise control.Modern Layout Techniques: Utilize Flexbox and Grid for responsive, modern layouts.Adding Colors and Backgrounds: Make your pages vibrant with colors and background images.Responsive Design: Ensure your websites look great on any device with responsive design principles.Best Practices: Adopt best practices for writing clean, efficient, and scalable CSS. By the end of this book, you'll have the skills to create beautiful, responsive web pages and be well on your way to mastering CSS. Dive into "CSS for Beginners" and start styling your web pages like a pro today! 🚀 Get your copy now and unleash your creativity! 🎉

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Resume Template


Tiger's resume template got him interviews at Google, Vercel, and Cloudflare.

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Survival Kit for developers


A survival kit for developers. You get 4 tools in one package: Resume template: Got Tiger interviews at Google, Vercel and Cloudflare. 6-month intense roadmap: Took Miraya from zero to landing a coding job. Book: Miraya's success story and top tips to get a developer job fast. Guide for getting $100k+ jobs in tech: Strategies that got Tiger two $100k+ remote offers with just 18 months of work experience.

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